Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 23


 Dear Diary,
     Today I went to class with Jake on sociology and the real self...didn't learn much but took a quiz and got a 6 out of 10!! not bad.
      Back at the apartment we played call of duty for a few hours and learned about mega sharks and whales!! 50 ft long
  Decided to go back to Jake's friends tonight to drink some more. Towards the end of the night me and Jake walked round town planked a few pillars and the STAG!

 - The frog
 - Jager bombs


Chilled out on this day, went back to the infamous apartment of Alex and Rachel's but didn't really feel like drinking. Instead I worked with Jen to get an extremely high score on word worm, over half a million, I know, impressive right?

                         Becky x

George (Day 10):

 Today we didn't do much but watched freaky documentaries about dinosaurs, sharks, and 50 ft whales. We went back to Oscar's pad (Alex and Rachel's) and started drinking again. The others went downtown so I stayed to keep the party alive.

- light gloves
- documentaries
- hippie dude
                      George x


 Guess what,
     Today I woke, pleasantly on the floor, go figure! HA! Walked to BK were George drank 2 cartons of OJ, I thought it was a strange drink to drink with burgers, oh well, back at the apt, we watched girly tv, like greys anatomy until Jake and Tom returned from class and decided to kill zombies or something like that, B, A, and I went to offically buy some JMU gear and got free buttons too! Then we came back and dominated 2 pizzas, go us!
  Went to Alex and Rachel's again tonight, since last night was a shit show, I fake drank a vodka lemonade, hold the vodka, LOL!
  Went back to the apartment early and watched the Jackson 5 movies by myself, ha!
                              Forever xoxo,