Dear Diary,
Today we travelled from Pittsburgh to Cleveland Ohio, We stopped at Tom's Diner before travelling to Cleveland. Took lots of photos of Brandon today as well as the serial killer in Tom's Diner! For dinner we went to Outback Steakhouse, was quite nice and also got a free dessert for being English, I think. Went to Freaky Family Fun... for mini golf which was interesting...ha, and then onto the cinema for Cowboys and Aliens. I liked it.
Thunderstorms are so cool!!! Watched it with Timothy my new bear.

-Target tour of America
-New bear, Timothy
Dear Diary,
Tom wouldn't let us write in the diary last night so this is actually day 4. Yesterday we had Tom Day, we went to Tom's Diner and ate steaks, we also went to Target. My steak was nice. In the evening we went to play mini golf, I wasn't very good. Oh, and I almost forgot to say we saw Cowboys & Aliens which was I was extremely disappointed by :( waaah.
Dear Diary,
Sorry I didn't write in you last night, Tom was being a Nazi and said we couldn't. Let's catch up... Yesterday we woke up at Motel 6 and went to Tom's Diner, it was good except for the creepy man sitting behind Tom. I thought he would kill us. Ahhh! We drove to Cleveland and accidentally got a room at the Holiday Inn, Becky and I rested for a bit then Tom worked out, and Becky and I annoyed him by bringing Brandon to see him. LOL!

Until next time,