Allie Cohen:
Yesterday Jen, Becky, and George arrived :) YIPEE! And we went straight to my soccer game where my team played pretty badly but at least George and Becky understood the game! Also, George got every single out of bounds ball. (Thanks George!). The next morning (today) I went to school while everyone else slept. After volleyball I came home to a house full of fun well rested travelers! Then we went to Applebee's and I got full before my main dish even arrived....oof! Safe to say is hasn't been my typical school night but I was so glad to have my friends back at the Cohen residence- they started and ended here! Me and dog George (and my mom) look forward to next summer- I hope my house counts as a hipster locations!
Love you all + miss you already!
<3 Allie
Things to remember:
- candy bag left at supermarket
- Nash Prince yoga
Dearest Diary,
Today is the saddest day...the return to real life happens and though I've tried to mentally prepare for it, summers wonderful DGAF mentality remains. It's been such a roller coaster type adventure that I'll certainly never forget.
TOM: I'll miss your constant eagerness to go out and explore...EVERYTHING! :)
GEORGE: I'm going to miss you, and your crazy antics :) and how you constantly have earbuds in. lol.
BECKY: I don't know how I'll get along without, you're the salt to my vinegar :)
I'm definitely going to miss you all so much! Shout outs to Allie Cohen, Clara, Cary, Sloan, Alex, Jon, Jake, Alli, and everyone else in between who made this such an amazing trip.
Until next time,
Today is my last day and I am glad to be staying at the Cohen residence where I started my journey. I am sad to be going home, waking up without Jen and her smelly pillow will not be the same. This trip has been emotional and I have met some amazing people. Thanks to everyone for their hospitality! The Cohen's, Sloan (Alex and Jon), Cary, Steph, Jake and Allie you guys have been amazing and I love you all. Thank you to Tom, George, and especially Jen for putting up with my crazy ass for the past month, love you all, this has definitely been my best ever summer and I can't wait to see you all next year. I miss you already.
Havenu Shalom,
Becky xx
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Day 25 :(
Dear Diary,
Today I fly home....
We are traveling to NY on a mega bus on September 11th not the best day. Have to catch a few trains then fly home. It's been an emotional 25 days, had some fun.
Stay safe and get home safe.
xx Love xx
- Me. :)
Today is September 11th, a sad day for all. We took a megabus (never again) to New York, Penn Station was riddled with cops which made me extremely nervous so I was glad to get on the train to Lon Island to see Allie and her amazing family. We watched Allie win a soccer game and then ate an amazing dinner, Jodie Cohen is a LEGEND!
Got to Allie's in time for her soccer game, which she dominated, and we went back to her house for dinner and Mean Girls.
So Fetch!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Day 24
Dear Diary,
Today we drove to Washington DC where we sat in the hotel till dinner. Ate at Jenny's Asian Fusion then went to see all the sights in the dark.
They were all so nice in the dark, wish the reflection pool was not being worked on so we could see Abe in the water.
- War memorial
- States in stone
- People on roof of white house
Drove to DC in Allie's car with Jen, journey wasn't to bad, except getting lost a little. Arrived at the hotel, which wasn't half as bad as I expected and relaxed until dark (which is the best time to go sight seeing). We walked a pretty long way but it was so worth it, the Washington monument was my favourite! We checked out Obama's pad which was anti-climatic howeverrr he did have snipers on his roof.
Peace and Love biatches,
Becky x
George (Day 11):
Dear Diary,
Today we drove to DC, was a laugh of a drive. Note to self never let Alli lead again! We conked out in the hotel for a bit, we went to dinner at a very yummy chinese place. We then walked around the sights. It was nice to walk around and see everything.
Sup HOMES ( Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior :) ),
Unfortunately today we left Jake and Allie, even though I begged them to stay. Took a shower today, not that I didn't take showers everyday on this trip, today's was exceptionally great. Ate dinner at Jenny's Asian Fusion with a server named Simon, he was so so precious! Becky ate her weight in chicken lo mein, it was a sight to see! Walked around downtown and saw all my favorite memorials! I had a great idea to take a photo w/ all the states we've been in at the WWII memorial, that was exciting, and I SAW ABE chillin on his thrown, super fun, and not a bad walk, although having a hotel on a wharf makes everything smell like fish. GROSS!
<3 ME
Dear Diary,
They were all so nice in the dark, wish the reflection pool was not being worked on so we could see Abe in the water.
- War memorial
- States in stone
- People on roof of white house
Peace and Love biatches,
Becky x
George (Day 11):
Dear Diary,
Today we drove to DC, was a laugh of a drive. Note to self never let Alli lead again! We conked out in the hotel for a bit, we went to dinner at a very yummy chinese place. We then walked around the sights. It was nice to walk around and see everything.
Sup HOMES ( Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior :) ),
Unfortunately today we left Jake and Allie, even though I begged them to stay. Took a shower today, not that I didn't take showers everyday on this trip, today's was exceptionally great. Ate dinner at Jenny's Asian Fusion with a server named Simon, he was so so precious! Becky ate her weight in chicken lo mein, it was a sight to see! Walked around downtown and saw all my favorite memorials! I had a great idea to take a photo w/ all the states we've been in at the WWII memorial, that was exciting, and I SAW ABE chillin on his thrown, super fun, and not a bad walk, although having a hotel on a wharf makes everything smell like fish. GROSS!
<3 ME
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Day 23
Dear Diary,
Today I went to class with Jake on sociology and the real self...didn't learn much but took a quiz and got a 6 out of 10!! not bad.
Back at the apartment we played call of duty for a few hours and learned about mega sharks and whales!! 50 ft long
Decided to go back to Jake's friends tonight to drink some more. Towards the end of the night me and Jake walked round town planked a few pillars and the STAG!
- The frog
- Jager bombs
Chilled out on this day, went back to the infamous apartment of Alex and Rachel's but didn't really feel like drinking. Instead I worked with Jen to get an extremely high score on word worm, over half a million, I know, impressive right?
Becky x
George (Day 10):
Today we didn't do much but watched freaky documentaries about dinosaurs, sharks, and 50 ft whales. We went back to Oscar's pad (Alex and Rachel's) and started drinking again. The others went downtown so I stayed to keep the party alive.
- light gloves
- documentaries
- hippie dude
George x
Guess what,
Today I woke, pleasantly on the floor, go figure! HA! Walked to BK were George drank 2 cartons of OJ, I thought it was a strange drink to drink with burgers, oh well, back at the apt, we watched girly tv, like greys anatomy until Jake and Tom returned from class and decided to kill zombies or something like that, B, A, and I went to offically buy some JMU gear and got free buttons too! Then we came back and dominated 2 pizzas, go us!
Went to Alex and Rachel's again tonight, since last night was a shit show, I fake drank a vodka lemonade, hold the vodka, LOL!
Went back to the apartment early and watched the Jackson 5 movies by myself, ha!
Forever xoxo,
Dear Diary,
Today I went to class with Jake on sociology and the real self...didn't learn much but took a quiz and got a 6 out of 10!! not bad.
Back at the apartment we played call of duty for a few hours and learned about mega sharks and whales!! 50 ft long
Decided to go back to Jake's friends tonight to drink some more. Towards the end of the night me and Jake walked round town planked a few pillars and the STAG!
- The frog
- Jager bombs
Chilled out on this day, went back to the infamous apartment of Alex and Rachel's but didn't really feel like drinking. Instead I worked with Jen to get an extremely high score on word worm, over half a million, I know, impressive right?
Becky x
George (Day 10):
Today we didn't do much but watched freaky documentaries about dinosaurs, sharks, and 50 ft whales. We went back to Oscar's pad (Alex and Rachel's) and started drinking again. The others went downtown so I stayed to keep the party alive.
- light gloves
- documentaries
- hippie dude
George x
Guess what,
Today I woke, pleasantly on the floor, go figure! HA! Walked to BK were George drank 2 cartons of OJ, I thought it was a strange drink to drink with burgers, oh well, back at the apt, we watched girly tv, like greys anatomy until Jake and Tom returned from class and decided to kill zombies or something like that, B, A, and I went to offically buy some JMU gear and got free buttons too! Then we came back and dominated 2 pizzas, go us!
Went to Alex and Rachel's again tonight, since last night was a shit show, I fake drank a vodka lemonade, hold the vodka, LOL!
Went back to the apartment early and watched the Jackson 5 movies by myself, ha!
Forever xoxo,
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Day 22

Dear Diary,
Today we went for a walk around their campus, it was really nice and clean, the stadium was massive. Jimmy John's $1 subs, YUMMY!!
This evening we went round to Allie and Jake's friends apartment where Jen decided to get rather drunk! It was like a comet, only seen once every few years. lol She was on form.
- Beer with peach shot in...
- Crazy dog
This day shall forever be known as the day that "Jen got; extremely, very, insanely, crazily drunk."
In the morning of said day Jallie (Jake and Allie) took up around their campus and I slept some. In the evening we took a trip to Jallie's friends apartment upstairs, where Jen got exceedingly drunk, it was hilarious. Need I say anymore?
Becky x
George (Day 9):
Today we went to Jimmy John's for $1 subs. Winning! We walked there and back which was long but nice to look around. In the afternoon we played some zombies! Then the drinking started. We headed over to Jake and Allie's friends with Oscar the awesome dog, and lots of Jager and even the dreaded vodka shots. Jen got very drunk and went back early to sleep it off, which we though. We eventually made it back and started taunting Jen, she threatened to punch and kill me. I was scared but I fought on. Go Me! We eventually slep.
George x
Oh Diary!
Today I woke up! Congratulations on a new day, last night we tried to consume alcohol, but everyone was so tired we just fell asleep, haha, standard, for lunch we went to yimmy yohns for dollar sub day and had a pleasant walk though JMU campus.
It amazes me how much boys can eat because shortly after JJ's Tom and Jake went to Chick Fil A.......CRAZZZY! Went to the bookstore too! Couldn't find a James Madison TShirt but did find a ROCKING CHAIR!!! for $500, no thanks!
To hear what happened at night, I'm sure everyone else can fill you in, all I have to say is...........CURSE YOU JAKE WINSTON AND BECKY WARNER-PERRY!
<3 , I guess
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Day 21
Dear Diary,
Today we arrived at Jake and Allie's!! Went back to their pad at JMU and relaxed for a bit. Went for dinner at Dave's burger place then just relaxed all night and watched tv.
-Long train ride that was 4 hours sleep
It has been a while since I have seen you friend, many things have happened since we last spoke and I am going to tell you about them.
On this day we FINALLY arrived in Staunton, Virginia after what seemed like an eternity on the train. Allie and Jake met us at the station and drove us back to there lovely apartment, in the city of Harrisonburg, we ate nice burgers in a place downtown and then relaxed for the rest of the day
See you again soon friend,
Rebecca Jade Warner-Perry
George (Day 8):
Today we arrived after passing through some "hillbilly" places. Jake and Allies today :) Went to Daves for dinner, had a not so jumbo burger. Pretty yummy though. We went back and chilled out for the night.
George x
Hey Diary,
Woke up, still on a train today, blah!! CSI guy finally left, apparently not cracking the case of the missing conductor hat. LOL!
Got to Staunton after being out of phone service for what seemed like eternity and saw Alli and Jake's beautiful faces. Went downtown to get dinner and passed a QUILT MUSEUM! WHAT! How is that a museum, diary! Who knows, it cost to much to get into, lol.
Fell asleep on quite a comfy bed!!! mmmm
<3 JEN x
Dear Diary,
Today we arrived at Jake and Allie's!! Went back to their pad at JMU and relaxed for a bit. Went for dinner at Dave's burger place then just relaxed all night and watched tv.
-Long train ride that was 4 hours sleep
It has been a while since I have seen you friend, many things have happened since we last spoke and I am going to tell you about them.
On this day we FINALLY arrived in Staunton, Virginia after what seemed like an eternity on the train. Allie and Jake met us at the station and drove us back to there lovely apartment, in the city of Harrisonburg, we ate nice burgers in a place downtown and then relaxed for the rest of the day
See you again soon friend,
Rebecca Jade Warner-Perry
George (Day 8):
Today we arrived after passing through some "hillbilly" places. Jake and Allies today :) Went to Daves for dinner, had a not so jumbo burger. Pretty yummy though. We went back and chilled out for the night.
George x
Hey Diary,
Woke up, still on a train today, blah!! CSI guy finally left, apparently not cracking the case of the missing conductor hat. LOL!
Got to Staunton after being out of phone service for what seemed like eternity and saw Alli and Jake's beautiful faces. Went downtown to get dinner and passed a QUILT MUSEUM! WHAT! How is that a museum, diary! Who knows, it cost to much to get into, lol.
Fell asleep on quite a comfy bed!!! mmmm
<3 JEN x
Monday, October 3, 2011
Day 20
George (Day 7):
Not much during the day but the start to a knowingly long but even longer than expected journey! Got delayed 3 hours on the train only 5 minutes in! Not much I can do on a train so not much to talk about.
George x
Urgh is all I can say, we started the longest train ride ever today. One good thing happened, Jen introduced me to Hipster Hitler lol, I LOVE JUICE, 1941: a race odyssey. I also stole a hat.
- Ran errands
- Cleaned
- Began train journey to VA
- Train delayed
- Becky stole hat
- CSI guy
- Addiction to Lady Gaga Nebraska song
- Hipster tour of America plans
<3 Jennifer Maureen Larson
Dear Diary,
So train delay 3 hours, long ass train journey ahead of us but it is night time and I can sleep.
- Train breaking down 1/2 mile into ride
Not much during the day but the start to a knowingly long but even longer than expected journey! Got delayed 3 hours on the train only 5 minutes in! Not much I can do on a train so not much to talk about.
George x
Urgh is all I can say, we started the longest train ride ever today. One good thing happened, Jen introduced me to Hipster Hitler lol, I LOVE JUICE, 1941: a race odyssey. I also stole a hat.
- Ran errands
- Cleaned
- Began train journey to VA
- Train delayed
- Becky stole hat
- CSI guy
- Addiction to Lady Gaga Nebraska song
- Hipster tour of America plans
<3 Jennifer Maureen Larson
Dear Diary,
So train delay 3 hours, long ass train journey ahead of us but it is night time and I can sleep.
- Train breaking down 1/2 mile into ride
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Day 19
Was very sad to leave Sloan in Nebraska she should have came with us :( Driving back was long and arduous, we got Arby's. Steph made us pulled pork sandwiches which were yummy.
Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite
George (Day 6):
It's George. Again!
Today we left Sloan's! :( on only 5 hours sleep. Not a fun journey back as we were all bummed about leaving Sloan's
Steph's pulled pork AWESOME!
Some much needed sleep!
George x
Had to leave my Sloan today! NOT HAPPY!
Dear Diary,
Had to leave Sloan today :( and had an 8 hour journey home. The pork Jen's sister made was incredible!!! Ate so much then slept
- George driving
- George losing phone and card...
Was very sad to leave Sloan in Nebraska she should have came with us :( Driving back was long and arduous, we got Arby's. Steph made us pulled pork sandwiches which were yummy.
Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite
George (Day 6):
It's George. Again!
Today we left Sloan's! :( on only 5 hours sleep. Not a fun journey back as we were all bummed about leaving Sloan's
Steph's pulled pork AWESOME!
Some much needed sleep!
George x
Had to leave my Sloan today! NOT HAPPY!
Dear Diary,
Had to leave Sloan today :( and had an 8 hour journey home. The pork Jen's sister made was incredible!!! Ate so much then slept
- George driving
- George losing phone and card...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Day 18
Today was Leo day, we finished off Shutter Island in the morning and then went into town. I like Lincoln. I bought myself a bargain pair of cute keds and then we chillled for the rest of the day. The boys went out and we watched The Beach, love it!
George (Day 5):
Didn't do much today. Hung out and went to a yummy sandwich place. Me and Tom went out to a gay bar with a whole bunch of sorority girls and oh what a night. Wish the others had come out, I like Leo but not that much. That night was good until we realized it was 5:) IN THE MORNING :)
- Gay Bar
- Losing phone
- Losing debit card
- Taco place
- Sorority girls and 1 guy
- Grass
- Car :)
Dear Diary,
Today I had a good sleep with not going out last night. Didn't do a lot today, went to town, Starbucks and the sandwich place Sloan took us to.
This evening at Sloan's house me and George decided to go out with some sorority girls to a gay bar not many people there but it was good fun anyway, spent way to much money and danced like idiots, standard.
Got back to Sloan's at 5AM and went straight to bed as had to drive back to Chicago... Loved seeing Sloan and her University.
- Big guy in club
- George dropping his card out the window
Finished watching Shutter Island today, went shopping at thrift stores, almost bought a pair of TOMS.
Chill day mostly. Boys went out at night , girls stayed and watched more Leo movies
<3 :)
Sup D,
Bought some new sparkly TOMS, introduced everyone to bisonwitches, had a Leo marathon but the boys ditched us for some girls in ma' house. I actually g.a.f.ed for once cuz it was there last night :( (But I'm glad they had fun...NOT) we had fun without them.
- everyone's allergic to Bean
see you next summer bitches,
Today was Leo day, we finished off Shutter Island in the morning and then went into town. I like Lincoln. I bought myself a bargain pair of cute keds and then we chillled for the rest of the day. The boys went out and we watched The Beach, love it!
George (Day 5):
Didn't do much today. Hung out and went to a yummy sandwich place. Me and Tom went out to a gay bar with a whole bunch of sorority girls and oh what a night. Wish the others had come out, I like Leo but not that much. That night was good until we realized it was 5:) IN THE MORNING :)
- Gay Bar
- Losing phone
- Losing debit card
- Taco place
- Sorority girls and 1 guy
- Grass
- Car :)
Dear Diary,
Today I had a good sleep with not going out last night. Didn't do a lot today, went to town, Starbucks and the sandwich place Sloan took us to.
This evening at Sloan's house me and George decided to go out with some sorority girls to a gay bar not many people there but it was good fun anyway, spent way to much money and danced like idiots, standard.
Got back to Sloan's at 5AM and went straight to bed as had to drive back to Chicago... Loved seeing Sloan and her University.
- Big guy in club
- George dropping his card out the window
Finished watching Shutter Island today, went shopping at thrift stores, almost bought a pair of TOMS.
Chill day mostly. Boys went out at night , girls stayed and watched more Leo movies
<3 :)
Sup D,
Bought some new sparkly TOMS, introduced everyone to bisonwitches, had a Leo marathon but the boys ditched us for some girls in ma' house. I actually g.a.f.ed for once cuz it was there last night :( (But I'm glad they had fun...NOT) we had fun without them.
![]() |
- everyone's allergic to Bean
see you next summer bitches,
Friday, September 30, 2011
Day 17
Dear Diary,
Woke up this morning with no shoes in the frat presidents room...decided to walk home, didn't get to far and got picked up by Sloan and Jen, dirty and with no shoes, probably looking very sad...ha.
*Game Day *
Woke up at 11, remembering the night before but got up to go to my first American football game! Excited! I sat with Sloan and George, Jen, and Becky sat together. There were cheerleaders and a huge band!! Go Cornhuskers!!
After the game we met up with Sloan's parents and grandparents who are hilarious! Ate at Bread and Cup and listened to lots of stories about her grandad and dad at college.
- Bridge story/ Red beer
- Huskers win!!
Guten Tag,
The first thing I did this morning was puke a few times, lovely. Tailgating was a no-go because we all drank to much so instead we all got dressed up in our Nebraska clothes and went to the game sober. The atmosphere at the stadium was so intense, I sat with Jen and George and none of us were really feeling it so we went to get some tasty coffee half way through. After the game was over Sloan's fam took us for an amazing meal, they are hilarious:) When we got back we watched Romeo and Juliet, bloody love Leo!
Sweet dreams,
George (Day 4):
Tom was found! I had a hang over! We all woke up too late to go tailgating! Which was slightly disappointing but no surprise after last nights events so the Nebraska football game we went. Oh what fun me, Becky, and Jen had! NOT! We could barely see the ball and were so high in the stands we needed oxygen tanks! So we left and went to a yummy coffee shop. I had a "banging" smoothie whilst the girls enjoyed coffee. We met up with Sloan and Tom and went for a meal with the Matzke's. All I have to say for that meal is FUCKING HILARIOUS. We basically didn;t stop laughing or going red in my case! Not much else
George x
Jesus Christ diary,
Woke up to Sloan tapping me on the shoulder at 730AM, telling me we had to go get Tom. KILL ME! Drove around Lincoln a bit to find Thomas sitting on a brick wall with no shoes on and dirty. I don't even wanna know what happened. Then he got in the the car and STARTED EATING SALT AND VINEGAR CHIPS. GROSS!!! Slept until about 12, then went to the Huskers game..def. glad we went, super fun, though boring at times. Had dinner w/ the Matzke's, such an awesome family, so FUNNY!
Started Leo DiCaprio movie marathon tonight.
Dear Diary,

*Game Day *
Woke up at 11, remembering the night before but got up to go to my first American football game! Excited! I sat with Sloan and George, Jen, and Becky sat together. There were cheerleaders and a huge band!! Go Cornhuskers!!
After the game we met up with Sloan's parents and grandparents who are hilarious! Ate at Bread and Cup and listened to lots of stories about her grandad and dad at college.
- Bridge story/ Red beer
- Huskers win!!
Guten Tag,

Sweet dreams,
George (Day 4):
George x
Jesus Christ diary,
Started Leo DiCaprio movie marathon tonight.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Day 16- Friday
> A Night to Remember <
Dear Diary,
This was definitely a day/night to remember. 7am wake up, dressed and ready for a day of Sloan's lectures. (or morning I should say) I decided to take proper notes, while Jen took notes in this book. I actually knew it from A level. We skipped physics and Biology was next. In between we bought outfits for the game on Saturday. In the afternoon we slept before heading out for the night.
Arrived at Sloan's friends where a few minutes later after a few drinks got ruined by the wardens. Had to leave. As George wasn't 21 we went to a frat party at the party house, made friends with a lot of the frat boys and drank a few drinks, may have got slightly out of hand and slept on the sofa of the frat presidents in their house after losing George and my shoes at 5AM.
- Party house
- No shoes
- Great Night!!
Dearest lovely diary,
After seeing Tom's day 16, I feel pressured to something epic...NOT gonna happen. Woke up and went to Sloan's chemistry class, as a goof :) Bought some N gear :) Beat George in pool :) Did crossword (HA) with Becky, ate Runza, got a parking ticket, napped out in the afternoon.
Pretty standard night out:
- got in trouble at the dorms, had to hide
- Bar hopped :)
More later,
Today we woke up to go to easily the most boring lecture of my entire life, chemistry :( Very confusing so Jen and I skipped the other classes and played crosswords, we completed a whole one EPIC! We went out in the eve and met up with TJ which was god damn hilarious. He bought us drinks all night and I got very sloppy. Sloan's sister (Alex) had to get her friend to take Sloan and I back because we were drunk. We had to pull over numerous times for me to vom whilst Sloan was making out with a boy hehe.
Funny Night!
Becky xx
George (Day 3):
Dear Diary,
To start with we had an early morning as we stupidly decided to go to Sloan's lectures. Boring as hell! We only went to 2 out of 3 lectures so just chilled in between. We went back and the girls had a 3 or so hour kip! Me and Tom got ready, had a couple drinks and headed over to Sloan's house so the G's could get ready. We went to some dorm and got in trouble for drinking. WTF STUPID. Anyway the girls went to the bar and Jen B took us to our first frat party. At first it was a little weird, but a couple cups of Jungle Juice and a few convo's with guys and we were away. A few too many drinks later and Tom was nowhere to be found. HA! Who knows where Tom went??!
George x
> A Night to Remember <
Dear Diary,
This was definitely a day/night to remember. 7am wake up, dressed and ready for a day of Sloan's lectures. (or morning I should say) I decided to take proper notes, while Jen took notes in this book. I actually knew it from A level. We skipped physics and Biology was next. In between we bought outfits for the game on Saturday. In the afternoon we slept before heading out for the night.
Arrived at Sloan's friends where a few minutes later after a few drinks got ruined by the wardens. Had to leave. As George wasn't 21 we went to a frat party at the party house, made friends with a lot of the frat boys and drank a few drinks, may have got slightly out of hand and slept on the sofa of the frat presidents in their house after losing George and my shoes at 5AM.
- Party house
- No shoes
- Great Night!!
Dearest lovely diary,
After seeing Tom's day 16, I feel pressured to something epic...NOT gonna happen. Woke up and went to Sloan's chemistry class, as a goof :) Bought some N gear :) Beat George in pool :) Did crossword (HA) with Becky, ate Runza, got a parking ticket, napped out in the afternoon.
Pretty standard night out:
- got in trouble at the dorms, had to hide
- Bar hopped :)
More later,
TJ & Sloan |
Today we woke up to go to easily the most boring lecture of my entire life, chemistry :( Very confusing so Jen and I skipped the other classes and played crosswords, we completed a whole one EPIC! We went out in the eve and met up with TJ which was god damn hilarious. He bought us drinks all night and I got very sloppy. Sloan's sister (Alex) had to get her friend to take Sloan and I back because we were drunk. We had to pull over numerous times for me to vom whilst Sloan was making out with a boy hehe.
Funny Night!
Becky xx
George (Day 3):
Dear Diary,
To start with we had an early morning as we stupidly decided to go to Sloan's lectures. Boring as hell! We only went to 2 out of 3 lectures so just chilled in between. We went back and the girls had a 3 or so hour kip! Me and Tom got ready, had a couple drinks and headed over to Sloan's house so the G's could get ready. We went to some dorm and got in trouble for drinking. WTF STUPID. Anyway the girls went to the bar and Jen B took us to our first frat party. At first it was a little weird, but a couple cups of Jungle Juice and a few convo's with guys and we were away. A few too many drinks later and Tom was nowhere to be found. HA! Who knows where Tom went??!
George x
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Day 15
Dear Diary,
Today we drove a lot!! 8 hours to Lincoln, Nebraska. George drove most of the way and we passed the same cars and trucks over and over.
Arrived at Sloan's!! Great to see her and Bean the cat. She showed us her sorority house where me and George were met by a quite a few and went to a pizza place where the didn't have Tommy K! Disappointing for me, Becky, and George. halo was played and Wet Hot American Summer was watched before bed.
- The boat and combine harvesters
- Meeting bean
- Sorority house #2
In case you didn't guess this is Becky, hi!
we drove to Nebraska today and by we, I mean George and Jen because I went to sleepies. We saw Sloan yay :) then went to get pizza, standard hawaiian, was mediocre, lack of Tommy K and wheaty hipster base waaah! Then went to bed
Hello Diary,
Not much to report today, woke up early after only sleeping a few hours and drove to Nebraska. Not a bad drive, George drove most of it. We got to Sloan's about 7:30-8ish, HOLY CATS! Went to eat at a pizza place, not very delightful za. lol
Things to Remember:
- Cracker Barrel
- Rocking Chairs
- Checkers
George: (Day 2)
Dear Diary,
Today was fairly boring due to a lot of driving. Jen drove a little and I drove the rest to Lincoln, Nebraska! I didn't mind, it was for Sloan :) We went for some whole wheat based pizza WTF?! Played Xbox for the first time in a long time! I Love You Sloan!
George X
Dear Diary,
Today we drove a lot!! 8 hours to Lincoln, Nebraska. George drove most of the way and we passed the same cars and trucks over and over.
Arrived at Sloan's!! Great to see her and Bean the cat. She showed us her sorority house where me and George were met by a quite a few and went to a pizza place where the didn't have Tommy K! Disappointing for me, Becky, and George. halo was played and Wet Hot American Summer was watched before bed.
![]() |
Tommy K. |
- The boat and combine harvesters
- Meeting bean
- Sorority house #2
In case you didn't guess this is Becky, hi!
we drove to Nebraska today and by we, I mean George and Jen because I went to sleepies. We saw Sloan yay :) then went to get pizza, standard hawaiian, was mediocre, lack of Tommy K and wheaty hipster base waaah! Then went to bed
Hello Diary,
Not much to report today, woke up early after only sleeping a few hours and drove to Nebraska. Not a bad drive, George drove most of it. We got to Sloan's about 7:30-8ish, HOLY CATS! Went to eat at a pizza place, not very delightful za. lol
Things to Remember:
- Cracker Barrel
- Rocking Chairs
- Checkers
Dear Diary,
Today was fairly boring due to a lot of driving. Jen drove a little and I drove the rest to Lincoln, Nebraska! I didn't mind, it was for Sloan :) We went for some whole wheat based pizza WTF?! Played Xbox for the first time in a long time! I Love You Sloan!
George X
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Day 14
Dear Diary,
Today George came! I was asleep when he came in and he came and jumped on the bed. After a few hours of sitting around we went to the shops! George bought a paddling pool which was filled with water and placed out the front by the road. B+J decided to drink a lot in the next hour and got a tad tipsy. lol. We had a bit of a water fight then decided to go to Jeff's for a bbq.
- Hand squirting water
- Awkwardness (ha)
Dear Diary,
Today was awesome George came! He arrived early in the morning so naturally we slept until the afternoon, when Nicola left :(
I made everyone watch a Sox game, they lost. George bought a baby pool at ACE and we "swam" in it on Steph's front lawn. Lots of funny looks. Becky and me got drunk quick and thought it was a good idea to go to Jeff's and have him make dinner....awkward
your friend in time,
George (Day 1):
Dear diary,
Today was the day I arrived. My flight wasn't to bad, am a little tired after a lack of sleep the past 36 hours. We walked Nicola to the station and on the way back I bought a paddling pool. Awesome! Jen filled it up on her sister's front lawn and we all sat in it whilst Jen and Becky drank...lots! We ended up going to Jeff's yard for dinner, not just any dinner, awkward dinner, thanks Becky! All in all a good first day.
Yours faithfully,
George x
George came today ( well not really today because as usual I am writing tres late) Jen and I went to pick him up crazy early in the morning, urgh, so I slept most of the day, when I woke up we bought a baby pool and sat in the front garden and drank, well I drank with Jen, vodka cranberry delicious. Then we drove to Jeff's house because we couldn't be bothered to cook, Jen and I were very drunk lol and Jeff dried my clother, aw, lovely
We left early cuz it was awkward.....long story
peace &love
Becky x
Dear Diary,
Today George came! I was asleep when he came in and he came and jumped on the bed. After a few hours of sitting around we went to the shops! George bought a paddling pool which was filled with water and placed out the front by the road. B+J decided to drink a lot in the next hour and got a tad tipsy. lol. We had a bit of a water fight then decided to go to Jeff's for a bbq.
- Awkwardness (ha)
Dear Diary,
Today was awesome George came! He arrived early in the morning so naturally we slept until the afternoon, when Nicola left :(
I made everyone watch a Sox game, they lost. George bought a baby pool at ACE and we "swam" in it on Steph's front lawn. Lots of funny looks. Becky and me got drunk quick and thought it was a good idea to go to Jeff's and have him make dinner....awkward
your friend in time,
George (Day 1):
Dear diary,
Today was the day I arrived. My flight wasn't to bad, am a little tired after a lack of sleep the past 36 hours. We walked Nicola to the station and on the way back I bought a paddling pool. Awesome! Jen filled it up on her sister's front lawn and we all sat in it whilst Jen and Becky drank...lots! We ended up going to Jeff's yard for dinner, not just any dinner, awkward dinner, thanks Becky! All in all a good first day.
Yours faithfully,
George x
George came today ( well not really today because as usual I am writing tres late) Jen and I went to pick him up crazy early in the morning, urgh, so I slept most of the day, when I woke up we bought a baby pool and sat in the front garden and drank, well I drank with Jen, vodka cranberry delicious. Then we drove to Jeff's house because we couldn't be bothered to cook, Jen and I were very drunk lol and Jeff dried my clother, aw, lovely
We left early cuz it was awkward.....long story
peace &love
Becky x
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day 13
Yesterday we went up the Sears Tower which was extremely scary and high. Jen and I didn't really want to stand in the glass box but we braved it and had out picture taken. Tom was freakin' crazy and he jumped in it!!! We also met Nicola and Chelsea (aw, I missed them) and went to Bubba Gump's Shrimp :) even though none of us liked shrimp! We also went ON A BOAT MOTHER FUCKER.
Becky xx
Dear Diary,
Today I went to town to see Ali off, he was going to Michigan Uni. to see Brandon.
Met up with J+B went up the Sears Tower which was cool and went on the Seadog boat ride through the city. Also met Chelsea and Nicola in the city.
- Crazy tout guide
- Glass floor in Sears Tower
- Photos with Brandon

Dear piece of paper,
Found Tom, he was on the couch. Lol.
Went downtown today.
Nicola and Chelsea came today!! Watched Something Borrowed, went on a seadog ride
<3 JEN

Becky xx
Dear Diary,
Today I went to town to see Ali off, he was going to Michigan Uni. to see Brandon.
Met up with J+B went up the Sears Tower which was cool and went on the Seadog boat ride through the city. Also met Chelsea and Nicola in the city.
- Crazy tout guide
- Glass floor in Sears Tower
- Photos with Brandon
Dear piece of paper,
Found Tom, he was on the couch. Lol.
Went downtown today.
Nicola and Chelsea came today!! Watched Something Borrowed, went on a seadog ride
<3 JEN
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Day 12
Dear Diary,
Today we got up at 8 had free breakfast at the hostel then went to the beach from 10 till 4:30! We went in the lake, rented a bike and cycled along the shore and also met some more nice people then went to the 3G pitch in Lincoln Park then to the hostel.
Got ready and went to meet the girls we met at the beach, Didn't stay to late as had to catch the train back.
- Lincoln Park is very nice (3G pitch!)
- Beach all day
- Nice lady giving us her sunbeds.
Dear Diary,
We did nothing all day and went to go play in the evening. I met Jeff and Bryan, oh and Molly (but she definitely hates me lol) I also met some friendly townies who bought me drinks, I was a little tipsy and made out with Jeff hahaha. Oh, I forgot to add that we went to a hookah bar, but it was boring.
Until next time,
Bekstar x.
Dear Journal,
Today I went to a hookah bar, haven't been to one in ages, was with Jeff and Bryan....LOVE THEM! Went out to a local bar in Lockport...muchos fun -> for Becky, lol jk! For me too
Things to Remember:
- Waka waka
- 99 problems
<3 JEN
Dear Diary,
Today we got up at 8 had free breakfast at the hostel then went to the beach from 10 till 4:30! We went in the lake, rented a bike and cycled along the shore and also met some more nice people then went to the 3G pitch in Lincoln Park then to the hostel.
Got ready and went to meet the girls we met at the beach, Didn't stay to late as had to catch the train back.
- Lincoln Park is very nice (3G pitch!)
- Beach all day
- Nice lady giving us her sunbeds.
Dear Diary,
We did nothing all day and went to go play in the evening. I met Jeff and Bryan, oh and Molly (but she definitely hates me lol) I also met some friendly townies who bought me drinks, I was a little tipsy and made out with Jeff hahaha. Oh, I forgot to add that we went to a hookah bar, but it was boring.
Until next time,
Bekstar x.
Dear Journal,
Today I went to a hookah bar, haven't been to one in ages, was with Jeff and Bryan....LOVE THEM! Went out to a local bar in Lockport...muchos fun -> for Becky, lol jk! For me too
Things to Remember:
- Waka waka
- 99 problems
<3 JEN
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Day 11- Where's Tom?
Me n Ali went back into town and then stayed in a hostel that night.
- Getaway hostel
- Hang up
- Being English!
We lost Tom...jk! But seriously... Basically did nothing all day, cleaned at night. Started watching Mildred Pierce...Awesome show!
<3 JEN
Yo, me n Jen had the perfect day, we slept all day! Cleaned a littled and then watched Mildred Pierce, love that show!
Becky x.
Me n Ali went back into town and then stayed in a hostel that night.
- Getaway hostel
- Hang up
- Being English!
We lost Tom...jk! But seriously... Basically did nothing all day, cleaned at night. Started watching Mildred Pierce...Awesome show!
<3 JEN
Yo, me n Jen had the perfect day, we slept all day! Cleaned a littled and then watched Mildred Pierce, love that show!
Becky x.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Day 10
Bonjourno Monsieurs,
We went to a pool party today but me and Jen didn't go in. Instead we drank Four Lokos :) Shannon was very funny! When the party wsas over instead of waiting for the elevator like smart people we walked down 32 flights of stairs :0 In the evening we went to a bar called deuces, but we renamed it douches because it was full of them! After we went and saw Jen's friends and ate some nice chickaan wings!

Guten Nacht.
Today Ali came and we went to a pool party at Shannon's. FOUR LOKO! We walked down 32 flights of stairs. We went to Wrigleyville, Dueces was stupid, bros and hoes mainly, same at the stretch, not Clark St. material, I want Bar Louie back. Went to the Fox and saw some work friends...
Good Day!
<3 ME
Pool Party!!
Ali came today was a breath of fresh air taking me to get drunk.
The pool party was so cool, wish we had these in England. Met a few nice people. This night we went to Wrigleyville and Deuces. In there were the people me and Ali met at the pool. We stayed in Dueces and the when it got late we got a taxi to the hang up in the city. Stayed out all night and then got back to Jen's at 1 in the afternoon.
Bonjourno Monsieurs,
We went to a pool party today but me and Jen didn't go in. Instead we drank Four Lokos :) Shannon was very funny! When the party wsas over instead of waiting for the elevator like smart people we walked down 32 flights of stairs :0 In the evening we went to a bar called deuces, but we renamed it douches because it was full of them! After we went and saw Jen's friends and ate some nice chickaan wings!

Guten Nacht.
Today Ali came and we went to a pool party at Shannon's. FOUR LOKO! We walked down 32 flights of stairs. We went to Wrigleyville, Dueces was stupid, bros and hoes mainly, same at the stretch, not Clark St. material, I want Bar Louie back. Went to the Fox and saw some work friends...
Good Day!
<3 ME
Pool Party!!
Ali came today was a breath of fresh air taking me to get drunk.
The pool party was so cool, wish we had these in England. Met a few nice people. This night we went to Wrigleyville and Deuces. In there were the people me and Ali met at the pool. We stayed in Dueces and the when it got late we got a taxi to the hang up in the city. Stayed out all night and then got back to Jen's at 1 in the afternoon.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Day 9 Friday 26th August
Dear Jen.
Today we were going into town but got down the road and decided not to! lol. Instead we went to the mall. Becky and Jen went to the cinema and I looked around shops and bought clothes, AA and Fan Zone.
This evening we met Jen's friends after taking a long ass train ride. McGee's all you can eat and drink $20. Done! Got back at 3ish.
- $20 all you can eat
- Creepy guys at bar
Dear diary,
Today we went to McGee's and met Shannon, Monica, Josie, and Michelle. Then we ate pizza at this shitty pizza place.
Things to remember:
- Raccoon hat guy
- Really obnoxiously long train ride
<3 JEN
Hey there,
Today we saw Fright Night, I thought it was quite funny & Colin Farrell looked very nice. In the evening we went to a $20 all you can eat and drink, the food sucked so we just did shots yay :)
Dear Jen.
Today we were going into town but got down the road and decided not to! lol. Instead we went to the mall. Becky and Jen went to the cinema and I looked around shops and bought clothes, AA and Fan Zone.
This evening we met Jen's friends after taking a long ass train ride. McGee's all you can eat and drink $20. Done! Got back at 3ish.
- $20 all you can eat
- Creepy guys at bar
Dear diary,
Today we went to McGee's and met Shannon, Monica, Josie, and Michelle. Then we ate pizza at this shitty pizza place.
Things to remember:
- Raccoon hat guy
- Really obnoxiously long train ride
<3 JEN
Hey there,
Today we saw Fright Night, I thought it was quite funny & Colin Farrell looked very nice. In the evening we went to a $20 all you can eat and drink, the food sucked so we just did shots yay :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Day 8

ZOO! We went to the zoo. There were lots of animals and Becky was excited to see a Polar Bear. We also saw lions, tigers, and other bears, and turtles!! I like turtles. After the zoo we got a green tea blast mmm and then chilled before going out for dinner.
For dinner we went to Ed Debevic's, and American diner place where they are kinda rude but funny at the same time. We went to two bars before coming home.
-Cool dolphins
- Mold-A-Rama
- Ed Debevic's
- Cubs T-shirt from Steph
Dear Diary,
OMG I saw a freakin tapir today!!!!!!
The end.
Today we went to the zoo, I haven't been to the zoo in ages, I really liked the monkeys. Steph came over for a bit, I've missed her :/ Went to Ed Debevic's for dinner then to Kirkwoods for a fish bowl, that was silly, We were so full from dinner, it wasn't even possible. Then came back to E-Town and went to Charlies, never been there before, saw a man from Boardwalk Empire too! HA.
Much Love,
ZOO! We went to the zoo. There were lots of animals and Becky was excited to see a Polar Bear. We also saw lions, tigers, and other bears, and turtles!! I like turtles. After the zoo we got a green tea blast mmm and then chilled before going out for dinner.
For dinner we went to Ed Debevic's, and American diner place where they are kinda rude but funny at the same time. We went to two bars before coming home.
-Cool dolphins
- Mold-A-Rama
- Ed Debevic's
- Cubs T-shirt from Steph

Dear Diary,
OMG I saw a freakin tapir today!!!!!!
The end.
Today we went to the zoo, I haven't been to the zoo in ages, I really liked the monkeys. Steph came over for a bit, I've missed her :/ Went to Ed Debevic's for dinner then to Kirkwoods for a fish bowl, that was silly, We were so full from dinner, it wasn't even possible. Then came back to E-Town and went to Charlies, never been there before, saw a man from Boardwalk Empire too! HA.
Much Love,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Day 7
Today we did nothing. lol. I watched a lot of burn notice and relaxed in Jen's sisters flat. I got a haircut. This eve we went into Chicago and walked around, was really nice at night.
- Nice old man at hairdressers
- Good lunch wrap.
Dear Diary,
Today was a chill day. Ran some errand to get Henry ready for Nebraska, and watched a lot of True Blood. Finally catching up is so nice. mmmm Eric Northman mmmm. Anyway we went downtown at night, in the loop, I wish school had started so people were around, oh well, Chicago is a pretty city by itself.
gangster rapper type of love,

Dear Diary,
I slept a lot today.
Today we did nothing. lol. I watched a lot of burn notice and relaxed in Jen's sisters flat. I got a haircut. This eve we went into Chicago and walked around, was really nice at night.
- Nice old man at hairdressers
- Good lunch wrap.
Dear Diary,
Today was a chill day. Ran some errand to get Henry ready for Nebraska, and watched a lot of True Blood. Finally catching up is so nice. mmmm Eric Northman mmmm. Anyway we went downtown at night, in the loop, I wish school had started so people were around, oh well, Chicago is a pretty city by itself.
gangster rapper type of love,

Dear Diary,
I slept a lot today.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Day 6
Dear Diary,
Travel day from Indiana to Chicago. Left Cary's in the morning to travel to Jen's sisters in Chicago. Relaxed for a few hours then went to PF Chang's a chineses (?). Really nice food!
-Oli is crazy
- PF Chang's is V. nice.
Howdy partner,
Today we went from Indiana to Chicago, it was long and shit. When we got to Steph's apartment (which is really nice) we went to PF's, yummy! I can't be bothered to write anymore
See yuh!

Dear Tom,
Sorry but I accidentally just read your Day 6. Touche! Anyway, Day 6 we went to breakfast and it was the first time I had a nice breakfast since before camp. It was delicious, after that we drove to Chicago, and guess what RAIN!!! Oh, boy do I love it!! We got to my house and it was so good to see Ollie again, not so much my parents, but whatevs. We got to Steph's and finally relaxed the rest of Tuesday. We did go to PF's too, which is always awesome.
<3 forever,
Dear Diary,
Travel day from Indiana to Chicago. Left Cary's in the morning to travel to Jen's sisters in Chicago. Relaxed for a few hours then went to PF Chang's a chineses (?). Really nice food!
-Oli is crazy
- PF Chang's is V. nice.
Howdy partner,
Today we went from Indiana to Chicago, it was long and shit. When we got to Steph's apartment (which is really nice) we went to PF's, yummy! I can't be bothered to write anymore
See yuh!
Dear Tom,
Sorry but I accidentally just read your Day 6. Touche! Anyway, Day 6 we went to breakfast and it was the first time I had a nice breakfast since before camp. It was delicious, after that we drove to Chicago, and guess what RAIN!!! Oh, boy do I love it!! We got to my house and it was so good to see Ollie again, not so much my parents, but whatevs. We got to Steph's and finally relaxed the rest of Tuesday. We did go to PF's too, which is always awesome.
<3 forever,
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Day 5
Dear Diary,
Today we went to Cary's sorority house, Alpha Phi in Greencastle, Indiana. We went to the lake and drank on boats, was very fun! Drank a lot and met a few different people. Plus there was about 50 girls and 15 guys. Were there till about 4pm then headed back for food. Slept for ages and decided to get more food and watch a scary film.
- Booze Cruise
- First Taco Bell
- Sleeping in a sorority house
Dear Diary,
Sorry for the shitty handwriting, anyway we woke up super early to for on a booze cruise; naturally I felt like shit, but I went anyway and napped most of it. I wasn't as interesting as Becky and Tom mostly because I'm American and don't have an accent, oh well! After that we went back to Cary's sorority house, after I drove us back and Tom navigated us...LOL! Back at the house we all took an amazing nap and then watched Insidious....SCARY!
Hi there friend,

Long time no see (Naaaht!). Today we went on a booze cruise and saw Cary :) It was very boozey and cruisey. I got a little burnt :( (I can't understand what Becky wrote here so, excuse my interpretation) We were drunk and Cary was sozzled she took us for some nice food, yummy :) and then we watched Insidious- scaaary!
Peace &Love,
<3 XX
Dear Diary,
Today we went to Cary's sorority house, Alpha Phi in Greencastle, Indiana. We went to the lake and drank on boats, was very fun! Drank a lot and met a few different people. Plus there was about 50 girls and 15 guys. Were there till about 4pm then headed back for food. Slept for ages and decided to get more food and watch a scary film.
![]() | |
Cary's sorority house |
- Booze Cruise
- First Taco Bell
- Sleeping in a sorority house
Dear Diary,
Sorry for the shitty handwriting, anyway we woke up super early to for on a booze cruise; naturally I felt like shit, but I went anyway and napped most of it. I wasn't as interesting as Becky and Tom mostly because I'm American and don't have an accent, oh well! After that we went back to Cary's sorority house, after I drove us back and Tom navigated us...LOL! Back at the house we all took an amazing nap and then watched Insidious....SCARY!
Hi there friend,

Long time no see (Naaaht!). Today we went on a booze cruise and saw Cary :) It was very boozey and cruisey. I got a little burnt :( (I can't understand what Becky wrote here so, excuse my interpretation) We were drunk and Cary was sozzled she took us for some nice food, yummy :) and then we watched Insidious- scaaary!
Peace &Love,
<3 XX
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Day 4
Dear Diary,
Today Jen is led next to me in bed ill, poor Jen! We started off today in Cleveland where we had breakfast, steak and eggs of course!! Then moved onto the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the centre. It had some really cool items in it like Elvis P.'s car and clothes, Brandon saw it too! We then went to D.D. before heading to Indiana where I now reside. Drove about 4 hours today then Jen drove the rest of the way, long journey.
Sleepy time, hopefully hot day tomorrow
Dear diary,
I'm lying to you because this is not day 4, this is quite late in the trip and I have been lazy, for this I am sorry :( I had a bacon sandwich on this day, it was mediocre but the OJ was nice. We also went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and it had some cool clothes, especially Stevie Nicks' outfits, I <3 her. Way more exciting than that was THE AVENGERS SET O.M.G. it looked like Germany :) The hotel we stayed in was sketchy.
Speak to you soon (because I'm about to turn over the page and write some more)
Dear diary,
Holy cow, I haven't written in a while day 4 was 4 days ago and I'm playing catch up here. Let's see if I can remember, this specific day we ate at Bob Evans, HA! How American! We went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this day and I liked it a lot, since I've been Jones-ing to go since I can remember. This is also the day we saw the set of the Avengers, where they set up German flags and stuff, it was super awesome to see that! After all that we drove to Indiana, Tom drove most of the way because I was sick (newsflash when am I not). We stayed at a Days Inn and I fell asleep pretty quick.
Things to remember:
- Awesome Shower
- Avengers
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
<3 JEN
Dear Diary,
Today Jen is led next to me in bed ill, poor Jen! We started off today in Cleveland where we had breakfast, steak and eggs of course!! Then moved onto the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the centre. It had some really cool items in it like Elvis P.'s car and clothes, Brandon saw it too! We then went to D.D. before heading to Indiana where I now reside. Drove about 4 hours today then Jen drove the rest of the way, long journey.
Sleepy time, hopefully hot day tomorrow
Dear diary,
I'm lying to you because this is not day 4, this is quite late in the trip and I have been lazy, for this I am sorry :( I had a bacon sandwich on this day, it was mediocre but the OJ was nice. We also went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and it had some cool clothes, especially Stevie Nicks' outfits, I <3 her. Way more exciting than that was THE AVENGERS SET O.M.G. it looked like Germany :) The hotel we stayed in was sketchy.
Speak to you soon (because I'm about to turn over the page and write some more)
Dear diary,

Things to remember:
- Awesome Shower
- Avengers
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
<3 JEN
Friday, September 16, 2011
Day 3
Dear Diary,
Today we travelled from Pittsburgh to Cleveland Ohio, We stopped at Tom's Diner before travelling to Cleveland. Took lots of photos of Brandon today as well as the serial killer in Tom's Diner! For dinner we went to Outback Steakhouse, was quite nice and also got a free dessert for being English, I think. Went to Freaky Family Fun... for mini golf which was interesting...ha, and then onto the cinema for Cowboys and Aliens. I liked it.
Thunderstorms are so cool!!! Watched it with Timothy my new bear.

-Target tour of America
-New bear, Timothy
Dear Diary,
Tom wouldn't let us write in the diary last night so this is actually day 4. Yesterday we had Tom Day, we went to Tom's Diner and ate steaks, we also went to Target. My steak was nice. In the evening we went to play mini golf, I wasn't very good. Oh, and I almost forgot to say we saw Cowboys & Aliens which was I was extremely disappointed by :( waaah.
Dear Diary,
Sorry I didn't write in you last night, Tom was being a Nazi and said we couldn't. Let's catch up... Yesterday we woke up at Motel 6 and went to Tom's Diner, it was good except for the creepy man sitting behind Tom. I thought he would kill us. Ahhh! We drove to Cleveland and accidentally got a room at the Holiday Inn, Becky and I rested for a bit then Tom worked out, and Becky and I annoyed him by bringing Brandon to see him. LOL!

Until next time,
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Day 2

Wassup bitches! Today was alright, Tom nearly killed us a couple of times and we ate at pizza hut. We went to the Yuengling brewery and it was 1000 degrees and their beer is gross. We drove some more and then we went to Target, I bought a matching watch YAY :). We decided not to stay at the econolodge but instead a swimming pool that sells antipasta.
farewell xxx.
Dear Composition,
Today we drove a lot, and by we, I mean Tom. The Yuengling factory was super fun... until we went upstairs and sweat balls, uncomfortable! It rained today also, and I LOVE RAIN.
Here's a list of things I remember from today:
- Chlorine aroma-ed room
- Simon and Brainquest.
Love, JEN
Dear Diary,
I drove a lot today from Pottsville PA to Pittsburgh. Started at Clara's where I slept on the floor from being scared of sleeping alone. Apparently, said I was a baller in my sleep, Jen and Becky loved that. Just keep teasing her about Nash Ended up in Motel 6 tonight, bed to myself! Yay! Art Museum tomorrow and then to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Cleveland.
Activities today:
- Yuengling factory
- Drove a lot
- Pizza hut
- Motel 6

Wassup bitches! Today was alright, Tom nearly killed us a couple of times and we ate at pizza hut. We went to the Yuengling brewery and it was 1000 degrees and their beer is gross. We drove some more and then we went to Target, I bought a matching watch YAY :). We decided not to stay at the econolodge but instead a swimming pool that sells antipasta.
farewell xxx.
Dear Composition,
Today we drove a lot, and by we, I mean Tom. The Yuengling factory was super fun... until we went upstairs and sweat balls, uncomfortable! It rained today also, and I LOVE RAIN.
Here's a list of things I remember from today:
- Chlorine aroma-ed room
- Simon and Brainquest.
Love, JEN
Dear Diary,
I drove a lot today from Pottsville PA to Pittsburgh. Started at Clara's where I slept on the floor from being scared of sleeping alone. Apparently, said I was a baller in my sleep, Jen and Becky loved that. Just keep teasing her about Nash Ended up in Motel 6 tonight, bed to myself! Yay! Art Museum tomorrow and then to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Cleveland.

Activities today:
- Yuengling factory
- Drove a lot
- Pizza hut
- Motel 6
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